‘Vitamin natural weight loss’ muscles

Football players and enthusiasts to exercise now have a reason to reach for the milk chocolate lowfat after a hard workout again suggests a new study from the University James Madison presented at the American College. Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.

Post-exercise consumption of milk chocolate. Low fat herbal weight loss was found to provide equal or better muscle recovery may be compared to a high-carbohydrate recovery beverage with the same amount of calories.

In this study, 13, who played college football, men’s participation in the training of “normal” for a week, then get milk chocolate lowfat or recovery drink high carbohydrate foods every day after training.
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Concentration for four days after a two week break, the athletes went through a second round of training, “normal”, followed by four-day intensified training to compare their recovery experiences following each beverage. (With the same amount of calories) before the intensive training on the second day and at the completion of the study, the researchers conducted a double-blind test to evaluate specific.

All of the athletes increased their daily training times during the intensified training, regardless of post-exercise beverage yet after two and four days of intensive training drink milk.

Chocolate with a significant decrease of RI kinase - an indicator of muscle damage - compared to when they drank the carbohydrate beverage with the difference between the two beverages in effects. Football, especially the ranking performance or perception of the severity of muscular body and mind

Fatigue and other measures of muscle strength. The results showed that low fat chocolate milk is effective in the recovery and repair of muscles after intense training for these competitive soccer players.


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